Defeat the first boss.
Unlock a locked crate.
Kill more than 5 enemies with one dynamite.
Kill all enemies in a level.
Die from fire.
Die from poison.
Die from explosion.
Die from a trap.
Die from getting kicked by a horse.
Find yourself a companion.
Have 5 or more companions at once.
Defeat the second boss.
Kill 1.000 enemies in total.
Reach your partner without being spotted by any enemies outside of boss fights or ambushes.
Revive a companion or player.
Kill more than one enemy with a single projectile.
Kill more than 500 enemies in a single run.
Get hunted by wolves.
Kill the first boss with just pistol-ammo weapon and no upgrades.
Reach the second area without having taken any damage.
Kill all enemies in a level using only throwable weapons.
Let the bear step on a bear trap.
Defeat the final boss.
Defeat the slaver without hurting any slave.
Kill the final boss without the use of explosives.
Start a Loop Run.
Rescue your partner with all 4 base characters.
Take out 15 enemies in a row with melee stealth kills without being spotted.
Rescue your partner without having any upgrades applied.
Defeat the bear without using any dodge rolls.
Rescue your partner without ever using a melee attack.
Reach the bandit boss in under 20 minutes.
Have 7 additional hearts.
Rescue your partner and complete the game.
Rescue your partner in a looped run.
Rescue one prisoner.
Rescue 10 prisoners.
Rescue 100 prisoners.
Defeat the bear using nothing but melee attacks.
Survive an ambush.